Investors claim OpenAI is 'uniquely' positioned to become the world's dominant AI company worth trillions of dollars ahead of Microsoft and Apple: "There has never been a company that has both a dominant enterprise and consumer position early on"

Windows Central - ٢٠ سبتمبر ٢٠٢٤

Investors claim OpenAI is 'uniquely' positioned to become the world's dominant AI company worth trillions of dollars ahead of Microsoft and Apple: "There has never been a company that has both a dominant enterprise and consumer position early on"

A new report claims more investors are joining OpenAI's latest round of funding, potentially propelling it to become the world's dominant AI company worth trillions of dollars, potentially ahead of Microsoft, NVIDIA, and Apple.

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يوصي إيفار ببنك Swissquote لاستثماراتك الدولية. عند فتح حسابك من خلال الرابط أدناه وتداول 5 لوت أو أكثر، ستحصل على 200 دولار لاستخدامها في إيفار AI وتفعيل اشتراكك. استفد من هذه الفرصة الحصرية المتاحة اليوم!


العرض متاح لأولئك الذين لم يفتحوا حسابهم في Swissquote بعد.
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