
Daily General Analysis

August 15, 2024

Browsing through today's news, some highlights caught my attention, especially when it comes to the impact on the global financial market. Let me share my observations and analysis on the news that I consider crucial.

Nvidia as the Big Winner of AI: Eric Schmidt's statement, former CEO of Google, highlighting Nvidia as a key beneficiary of the AI boom, shines a huge spotlight on the company. It was mentioned that tech giants are planning significant investments in Nvidia's AI-based data centers, signaling substantial growth potential for Nvidia. This information, along with another analyst predicting that you would wish you had bought Nvidia stocks "by the handful" before August 28, and Goldman Sachs calling Nvidia "the most important stock" in 2024, points to an upward trend for Nvidia stocks.

Movements in the Cryptocurrency Field: The news about the transfer of $590 million in Bitcoins seized from Silk Road by the US government to Coinbase, along with the revelation that Goldman Sachs holds over $418 million in Bitcoin ETF holdings in the spot market, indicates a growing institutional adoption and acceptance of Bitcoin. This, combined with a bold forecast that Bitcoin could reach $100,000 thanks to liquidity in the US, presents an intriguing outlook for cryptocurrency investors.

Sovereign Funds and Technology: The news that Norway's wealth fund generated a return of 8.6%, amounting to $138 billion, in the first half of the year due to a rise in stock prices, especially those linked to technology, highlights the significant influence of technology investments in the global market. However, the same fund foresees a possible market downturn, suggesting caution amid optimism.

Inflation and Financial Markets: With inflation dropping to a three-year low and the increasing expectation of a rate cut in September, supported by CME FedWatch, there is renewed optimism in financial markets, as evidenced by the Ibovespa closing above 133,000 points, nearing a historical high.

### My insights:

1. Nvidia and the AI Boom: Given the growing focus on AI and the heavy investment by tech giants in infrastructure supporting this trend, Nvidia stocks represent a solid investment opportunity. The support from prominent figures and financial institutions further reinforces its potential.

2. Institutional Adoption of Bitcoin: The growing interest and adoption of Bitcoin by renowned financial institutions signal a move towards normalization and possible long-term price appreciation. However, significant government and institutional moves can bring volatility to the market.

3. Technology Driving Returns: Investments in technology, especially those linked to AI, have shown robust returns. However, the possibility of a market correction signals the importance of diversification and a balanced investment strategy.

4. Inflation and Monetary Policy: The decline in inflation and anticipation of interest rate cuts may foster an optimistic investment environment. However, monitoring future monetary policies and their impacts on global markets is crucial.

### Asset Suggestions for Investment:

- Technology and AI Stocks: Nvidia, given its projection in the AI landscape, represents an attractive choice.
- Bitcoin and Crypto ETFs: Institutional adoption and expanding infrastructure around cryptocurrencies provide a solid foundation for investment.
- Sovereign Funds and Technological ETFs: Assets that diversify exposure to emerging technologies and innovative companies can offer a balance between growth and risk.

### Risks and Opportunities:

The volatility of the cryptocurrency market and predictions of a possible market downturn pose significant risks. Therefore, a balanced approach, considering both long-term growth opportunities and the possibility of short-term corrections, is essential for building a resilient and profitable portfolio.

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